12354 rank

780,531 points

1,345 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hatshepsut the Savior    Mighty Warriors
Arvahall 13298 Hatshepsut the Savior Mighty Warriors 1,656,107 1,784
Hatshepsut the Savior    Black knights
Dinegu 12168 Hatshepsut the Savior Black knights 1,265,595 2,295
Hatshepsut the Savior    Poutnici
Cirgard 13442 Hatshepsut the Savior Poutnici 790,310 1,265
Hatshepsut the Savior    Poutníci
East-Nagach 12354 Hatshepsut the Savior Poutníci 780,531 1,345
Hatshepsut the Savior    Cech panen kutnohor
Fel Dranghyr 11812 Hatshepsut the Savior Cech panen kutnohor 209,829 759