31055 rank

32,327 points

12 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gonzo the Greatest    Fire Devils
Qunrir 26630 Gonzo the Greatest Fire Devils 43,846 32
Gonzo the Greatest    Veni Vidi Vici
Brisgard 33269 Gonzo the Greatest Veni Vidi Vici 39,644 20
Gonzo the Greatest    Die Ewige Allianz
Korch 29222 Gonzo the Greatest Die Ewige Allianz 36,926 22
Gonzo the Greatest    Meister
Odhrorvar 27407 Gonzo the Greatest Meister 36,141 18
Gonzo the Greatest    Die Norddeutschen
Parkog 27503 Gonzo the Greatest Die Norddeutschen 34,429 21
Gonzo the Greatest    Pegasus
Eldenborough 32125 Gonzo the Greatest Pegasus 34,083 8
Gonzo the Greatest    Dortmunder
Fel Dranghyr 30550 Gonzo the Greatest Dortmunder 32,750 18
Gonzo the Greatest    ABK
Sinerania 28254 Gonzo the Greatest ABK 32,537 18
Gonzo the Greatest    Planet 2020
Langendorn 31055 Gonzo the Greatest Planet 2020 32,327 12
Gonzo the Greatest   
Mount Killmore 32418 Gonzo the Greatest 32,109 11
Gonzo the Greatest    JustForFun
Rugnir 28125 Gonzo the Greatest JustForFun 30,813 22
Gonzo the Greatest    XanXas
Jaims 29970 Gonzo the Greatest XanXas 30,693 13
Gonzo the Greatest    Schwarze Adler
Noarsil 29597 Gonzo the Greatest Schwarze Adler 29,434 15