5161 rank

98,048,300 points

14,933 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Noarsil 5161 mahjoubi 98,048,300 14,933
mahjoubi    Sahara Lounge
Greifental 5862 mahjoubi Sahara Lounge 93,377,423 14,292
Mount Killmore 5706 mahjoubi 93,183,194 13,157
mahjoubi    Shogun
Korch 5169 mahjoubi Shogun 91,913,718 14,932
mahjoubi    Weltenretter
Dinegu 5677 mahjoubi Weltenretter 89,725,689 12,888
mahjoubi    The Future
Arvahall 6206 mahjoubi The Future 86,318,571 12,247
Brisgard 6026 mahjoubi 81,640,191 12,931
mahjoubi    Planetensturm
Fel Dranghyr 5949 mahjoubi Planetensturm 80,541,532 11,264
mahjoubi    Lady in Black
Cirgard 6039 mahjoubi Lady in Black 77,020,701 11,277
Langendorn 8770 mahjoubi 29,294,325 5,964
mahjoubi    Bagasch
Eldenborough 19378 mahjoubi Bagasch 1,061,292 504
mahjoubi    The Best of Austria
Odhrorvar 17294 mahjoubi The Best of Austria 835,483 378
mahjoubi    Die Oberpfalz
Parkog 19025 mahjoubi Die Oberpfalz 442,814 424