18207 rank

1,316,864 points

2,221 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Tho    ☕&🍰 2.0
Langendorn 2154 The Tho ☕&🍰 2.0 370,994,227 57,307
The Tho   
Vingrid 9667 The Tho 4,900,906 8,163
The Tho    ☕Kaffeetrinken🍰
Greifental 16078 The Tho ☕Kaffeetrinken🍰 4,615,301 11,801
The Tho    Diamantenfieber
Houndsmoor 18207 The Tho Diamantenfieber 1,316,864 2,221
The Tho    Namussja
Eldenborough 26128 The Tho Namussja 170,548 408
The Tho    Rootfactor 💯
Walstrand 18896 The Tho Rootfactor 💯 33,177 68