5697 rank

20,441,010 points

35,041 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rahl the weak    Genosha
East-Nagach 885 Rahl the weak Genosha 372,359,792 124,758
Rahl the weak    D’Hara
Houndsmoor 5097 Rahl the weak D’Hara 22,292,204 32,152
Rahl the weak    TrickyTrees
Arvahall 5697 Rahl the weak TrickyTrees 20,441,010 35,041
Rahl the weak    D’Hara
Mount Killmore 4789 Rahl the weak D’Hara 17,514,117 30,226
Rahl the weak    D’Hara
Langendorn 4645 Rahl the weak D’Hara 16,169,752 23,199
Rahl the weak    Organised Kaos
Uceria 1207 Rahl the weak Organised Kaos 14,147,696 30,843
Rahl the weak    D’Hara GE
Greifental 5457 Rahl the weak D’Hara GE 14,044,085 22,135
Rahl the weak    D’Hara
Odhrorvar 5663 Rahl the weak D’Hara 8,554,956 15,420
Rahl the weak    Avengers
Dinegu 7715 Rahl the weak Avengers 4,909,960 6,697
Rahl the weak    D’Hara
Jaims 9967 Rahl the weak D’Hara 1,051,078 2,413