14032 rank

708,030 points

1,039 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TrueMitra    ApexWarlock
Arvahall 14032 TrueMitra ApexWarlock 708,030 1,039
TrueMitra    new macross city
East-Nagach 12334 TrueMitra new macross city 461,197 770
TrueMitra    OMEGA
Dinegu 13197 TrueMitra OMEGA 329,512 600
TrueMitra    The Road Warriors
Fel Dranghyr 12939 TrueMitra The Road Warriors 302,425 487
TrueMitra    OneD
Jaims 13316 TrueMitra OneD 239,805 554
TrueMitra    Scales
Houndsmoor 16128 TrueMitra Scales 117,934 245
TrueMitra    Spirits Unlimited
Cirgard 17308 TrueMitra Spirits Unlimited 77,922 118
TrueMitra    Old skool
Brisgard 18687 TrueMitra Old skool 68,506 93
TrueMitra    Gothic Players
Tuulech 9219 TrueMitra Gothic Players 42,347 59