6678 rank

6,562,506 points

1,147 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DreadfulDr dread    The Nine Worlds
Brisgard 7726 DreadfulDr dread The Nine Worlds 7,317,813 1,184
DreadfulDr dread    senage banban
Korch 6678 DreadfulDr dread senage banban 6,562,506 1,147
DreadfulDr dread    The other thing
Dinegu 7198 DreadfulDr dread The other thing 6,512,747 1,545
DreadfulDr dread    HammerHead
East-Nagach 7475 DreadfulDr dread HammerHead 5,589,790 986
DreadfulDr dread    SG-1
Houndsmoor 8174 DreadfulDr dread SG-1 4,936,225 1,266