15093 rank

71,397 points

110 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tess the Unready    |~The Builders~| R
Rugnir 1733 Tess the Unready |~The Builders~| R 61,618,172 60,740
Tess the Unready    Decebalus
Brisgard 3605 Tess the Unready Decebalus 52,344,463 51,744
Tess the Unready    Little Buddhas
Dinegu 12094 Tess the Unready Little Buddhas 540,819 1,878
Tess the Unready   
Greifental 11481 Tess the Unready 538,183 1,815
Tess the Unready    Play as you please!
East-Nagach 12148 Tess the Unready Play as you please! 501,620 1,836
Tess the Unready   
Arvahall 15028 Tess the Unready 495,389 1,982
Tess the Unready    |~The Builders~| C
Cirgard 12935 Tess the Unready |~The Builders~| C 492,056 1,867
Tess the Unready   
Houndsmoor 12822 Tess the Unready 484,450 1,790
Tess the Unready    PENDRAGON
Jaims 12021 Tess the Unready PENDRAGON 422,518 1,614
Tess the Unready    Royal Flying Corps
Korch 15103 Tess the Unready Royal Flying Corps 97,338 112
Tess the Unready    OffGrid
Langendorn 15093 Tess the Unready OffGrid 71,397 110
Tess the Unready    TRUTH & HONOUR
Mount Killmore 17386 Tess the Unready TRUTH & HONOUR 67,204 104
Tess the Unready    No Demands
Odhrorvar 15338 Tess the Unready No Demands 60,096 99
Tess the Unready   
Parkog 12473 Tess the Unready 52,642 109
Tess the Unready    Just Be Yourself
Noarsil 16775 Tess the Unready Just Be Yourself 40,050 121