4938 rank

14,438,528 points

6,162 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lola the destoyer    Memyselfandi
Houndsmoor 4308 lola the destoyer Memyselfandi 36,430,466 9,030
lola the destoyer    SMR
Dinegu 4149 lola the destoyer SMR 33,109,947 8,055
lola the destoyer    Mutual Trade
Fel Dranghyr 4123 lola the destoyer Mutual Trade 31,024,239 8,097
lola the destoyer    going places
Greifental 4632 lola the destoyer going places 23,308,251 6,716
lola the destoyer    seikoman
Korch 4796 lola the destoyer seikoman 18,085,712 7,103
lola the destoyer    MAZVILLE
Langendorn 4938 lola the destoyer MAZVILLE 14,438,528 6,162