11966 rank

581,316 points

739 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alan the Benevolent    🛸🛸 UFO 🛸🛸
Houndsmoor 2145 Alan the Benevolent 🛸🛸 UFO 🛸🛸 136,676,737 17,848
Alan the Benevolent    Crash & Burn
Langendorn 7667 Alan the Benevolent Crash & Burn 2,834,230 2,236
Alan the Benevolent   
Arvahall 10757 Alan the Benevolent 2,588,795 1,981
Alan the Benevolent   
Parkog 5672 Alan the Benevolent 2,212,335 1,411
Alan the Benevolent   
Brisgard 11068 Alan the Benevolent 1,395,460 1,323
Alan the Benevolent   
Korch 11096 Alan the Benevolent 616,623 637
Alan the Benevolent   
Mount Killmore 11966 Alan the Benevolent 581,316 739