5097 rank

16,069,083 points

2,644 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cobrakiller47    Freedom Fighters
Dinegu 121 cobrakiller47 Freedom Fighters 1,805,050,440 477,419
cobrakiller47    FREELANCERS
Greifental 1788 cobrakiller47 FREELANCERS 168,715,879 45,887
cobrakiller47    snooze-ville
Houndsmoor 2966 cobrakiller47 snooze-ville 88,459,335 7,730
cobrakiller47    easy life!!!
Arvahall 5002 cobrakiller47 easy life!!! 32,948,773 3,464
cobrakiller47    Cryogenics
East-Nagach 4219 cobrakiller47 Cryogenics 32,434,547 3,237
Cirgard 4467 cobrakiller47 30,969,558 3,647
cobrakiller47    Cobra's
Korch 4203 cobrakiller47 Cobra's 26,999,654 4,149
cobrakiller47    Westeros
Jaims 4596 cobrakiller47 Westeros 22,196,550 3,196
cobrakiller47    lol
Noarsil 5097 cobrakiller47 lol 16,069,083 2,644
cobrakiller47    mee
Brisgard 6516 cobrakiller47 mee 13,086,645 1,298
cobrakiller47    The Sleigh-er
Mount Killmore 5832 cobrakiller47 The Sleigh-er 11,739,696 2,226
cobrakiller47    the Sleigh-er
Fel Dranghyr 6364 cobrakiller47 the Sleigh-er 9,612,205 1,660
cobrakiller47    Daleks
Odhrorvar 6633 cobrakiller47 Daleks 5,434,465 2,096
cobrakiller47    the sleigh-er
Langendorn 7070 cobrakiller47 the sleigh-er 4,357,216 1,821
cobrakiller47    the sleigh-er
Parkog 5800 cobrakiller47 the sleigh-er 2,169,551 815
cobrakiller47    the sleigh-er
Rugnir 6579 cobrakiller47 the sleigh-er 1,702,819 725
cobrakiller47    sleigh-ers
Sinerania 6620 cobrakiller47 sleigh-ers 1,169,035 375