14955 rank

85,610 points

161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
todd617    No Nonsense Guild
Arvahall 17917 todd617 No Nonsense Guild 179,832 575
Dinegu 15692 todd617 CATALONIA FREE 104,832 295
todd617    attila s free trade
Odhrorvar 14363 todd617 attila s free trade 94,951 300
todd617    A1r9y7a1n6S0
Houndsmoor 16701 todd617 A1r9y7a1n6S0 92,252 237
todd617    Devils of Tassie
Noarsil 14955 todd617 Devils of Tassie 85,610 161
todd617    FellowshipOfTheRing
Mount Killmore 17189 todd617 FellowshipOfTheRing 71,763 206