5046 rank

12,759,332 points

2,879 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Peastus    Men Of Mayhem
Rugnir 1759 Peastus Men Of Mayhem 61,368,154 9,617
Odhrorvar 5046 Peastus 12,759,332 2,879
Peastus    Relaxed Guild
Houndsmoor 7548 Peastus Relaxed Guild 6,886,019 2,337
Peastus    龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍
Tuulech 2943 Peastus 龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍 3,731,407 1,975
Fel Dranghyr 9214 Peastus 1,758,562 1,299
Peastus    No Worries
Uceria 4103 Peastus No Worries 591,469 648