5446 rank

2,627,978 points

6,958 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leo the Lion 420    🔱 Swords of Honor
Brisgard 655 Leo the Lion 420 🔱 Swords of Honor 552,770,608 147,783
Leo the Lion 420    Independent players
Odhrorvar 7496 Leo the Lion 420 Independent players 3,076,837 19,696
Leo the Lion 420    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Arvahall 10674 Leo the Lion 420 Kingdom of Jerusalem 2,686,265 6,563
Leo the Lion 420   
Parkog 5446 Leo the Lion 420 2,627,978 6,958
Leo the Lion 420   
Rugnir 8654 Leo the Lion 420 487,426 1,465
Leo the Lion 420   
Sinerania 11682 Leo the Lion 420 76,160 486
Leo the Lion 420   
Tuulech 10354 Leo the Lion 420 24,236 143