11456 rank

118,329 points

195 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rasor the great    SKULL HUNTERS
Jaims 14417 Rasor the great SKULL HUNTERS 146,128 103
Rasor the great    Tyme Ryders 1
Rugnir 11456 Rasor the great Tyme Ryders 1 118,329 195
Rasor the great    Bravo Group
Brisgard 17425 Rasor the great Bravo Group 111,242 118
Rasor the great    Ásgard
Parkog 11916 Rasor the great Ásgard 68,612 107
Rasor the great    Gods Guild
Cirgard 18173 Rasor the great Gods Guild 55,227 82