10270 rank

24,383 points

71 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
JD The Gayboi    The war horses
Mount Killmore 11534 JD The Gayboi The war horses 692,754 841
JD The Gayboi   
Cirgard 19217 JD The Gayboi 37,604 102
JD The Gayboi   
East-Nagach 18441 JD The Gayboi 34,354 122
JD The Gayboi    Futurama
Odhrorvar 16652 JD The Gayboi Futurama 34,006 109
JD The Gayboi    Fruity Victory
Greifental 17945 JD The Gayboi Fruity Victory 28,770 96
JD The Gayboi   
Tuulech 10270 JD The Gayboi 24,383 71
JD The Gayboi    Koalas
Rugnir 15237 JD The Gayboi Koalas 21,177 71