4908 rank

25,571,061 points

4,968 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rach the Righteous    No requirement
Arvahall 3523 Rach the Righteous No requirement 61,699,875 9,205
Rach the Righteous    Real Life
Brisgard 4908 Rach the Righteous Real Life 25,571,061 4,968
Rach the Righteous    wolves ay we
East-Nagach 5081 Rach the Righteous wolves ay we 18,336,074 3,486
Rach the Righteous    Maiden
Korch 4985 Rach the Righteous Maiden 16,261,527 3,485
Rach the Righteous    BG_legio
Houndsmoor 5882 Rach the Righteous BG_legio 15,682,214 3,259
Rach the Righteous    JAH BLESS
Uceria 1727 Rach the Righteous JAH BLESS 8,980,196 2,750