13015 rank

475,867 points

549 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Guns the Great    Gunz
Arvahall 1746 Guns the Great Gunz 186,637,096 8,384
Guns the Great    Guild of Guns
Rugnir 5988 Guns the Great Guild of Guns 2,342,756 591
Guns the Great    Guild of Guns
Dinegu 11727 Guns the Great Guild of Guns 634,040 467
Guns the Great    Guild of Guns
Fel Dranghyr 11699 Guns the Great Guild of Guns 534,656 450
Guns the Great    Awesomeness
Cirgard 13015 Guns the Great Awesomeness 475,867 549
Guns the Great    Gunz
Parkog 8462 Guns the Great Gunz 399,917 501
Guns the Great    Guild of Gunz
Korch 12364 Guns the Great Guild of Gunz 345,337 363