17488 rank

47,286 points

82 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ephiferus    The Golden Bunch
Arvahall 5060 Ephiferus The Golden Bunch 32,135,521 13,260
Ephiferus    The Killer Tomatoes
East-Nagach 4551 Ephiferus The Killer Tomatoes 27,051,067 11,342
Ephiferus    For the Freedom
Cirgard 8840 Ephiferus For the Freedom 3,332,669 4,092
Ephiferus    Warriors of Brisgard
Brisgard 10610 Ephiferus Warriors of Brisgard 1,803,763 2,420
Ephiferus    The Dangler
Fel Dranghyr 14369 Ephiferus The Dangler 151,117 109
Ephiferus    True North
Dinegu 17488 Ephiferus True North 47,286 82
Langendorn 16350 Ephiferus 40,317 57
Ephiferus    Wolfs of The South
Korch 18248 Ephiferus Wolfs of The South 23,226 51