4157 rank

33,814,852 points

2,332 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Tominator    FightClub⚔️👊😎
Greifental 38 The Tominator FightClub⚔️👊😎 2,992,659,360 810,305
The Tominator    Begin Again
Houndsmoor 2894 The Tominator Begin Again 92,832,137 27,518
The Tominator    KeepCalm
Arvahall 3131 The Tominator KeepCalm 85,583,630 11,232
The Tominator    Britannia
Brisgard 3239 The Tominator Britannia 71,211,850 6,607
The Tominator    ENGLAND'S PRIDE
Dinegu 3556 The Tominator ENGLAND'S PRIDE 53,399,444 8,404
The Tominator    Aragon Knights
Fel Dranghyr 3440 The Tominator Aragon Knights 52,487,565 5,116
The Tominator    Providence
Tuulech 922 The Tominator Providence 49,684,150 17,398
The Tominator    Congress
Korch 3830 The Tominator Congress 33,961,739 16,667
The Tominator    UKRAINE SUPPORT
East-Nagach 4157 The Tominator UKRAINE SUPPORT 33,814,852 2,332
The Tominator    Chill zone c
Cirgard 4825 The Tominator Chill zone c 25,301,889 2,646
The Tominator    Blue army killers
Jaims 4387 The Tominator Blue army killers 25,009,346 2,958
The Tominator    Iron Wolf
Mount Killmore 4723 The Tominator Iron Wolf 20,901,835 1,942
The Tominator    Not So Lazy
Langendorn 4933 The Tominator Not So Lazy 15,577,487 2,373
The Tominator    Knights Templar
Odhrorvar 4991 The Tominator Knights Templar 13,923,439 2,712
The Tominator    Estonian Vikings
Noarsil 5460 The Tominator Estonian Vikings 12,815,785 1,818
The Tominator    Gotham
Parkog 4328 The Tominator Gotham 6,963,108 1,599
The Tominator    Lanister House
Rugnir 4869 The Tominator Lanister House 5,987,715 1,185
The Tominator    BadMoonRising
Sinerania 4781 The Tominator BadMoonRising 4,394,992 895
The Tominator    Pure ones
Uceria 2793 The Tominator Pure ones 3,202,796 744