4796 rank

21,481,808 points

30,509 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tablelander    Fun times
East-Nagach 4796 tablelander Fun times 21,481,808 30,509
tablelander    Just4fun
Korch 4864 tablelander Just4fun 17,303,084 36,051
tablelander    Lost Vikings
Uceria 1539 tablelander Lost Vikings 11,435,673 19,539
tablelander    Swords of Sin
Sinerania 3508 tablelander Swords of Sin 9,814,422 14,303
tablelander    Machetes of Kilmore.
Mount Killmore 6544 tablelander Machetes of Kilmore. 7,732,122 11,891
tablelander    Eagle's nest
Houndsmoor 7494 tablelander Eagle's nest 6,991,292 9,571
tablelander    Spike's Traders
Dinegu 7678 tablelander Spike's Traders 5,146,149 11,571
tablelander    High town.
Parkog 4689 tablelander High town. 4,770,464 11,159