4748 rank

21,468,247 points

3,255 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Orgasmatron the 1st    "Allo Allo"
Fel Dranghyr 4748 Orgasmatron the 1st "Allo Allo" 21,468,247 3,255
Orgasmatron the 1st    BEARSDEN
Mount Killmore 16618 Orgasmatron the 1st BEARSDEN 89,303 42
Orgasmatron the 1st    Rattlesnake
Houndsmoor 16877 Orgasmatron the 1st Rattlesnake 85,959 101
Orgasmatron the 1st   
Brisgard 18098 Orgasmatron the 1st 84,972 51