9146 rank

1,846,613 points

2,995 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ProudCheech    No Demands
Arvahall 10425 ProudCheech No Demands 3,187,905 4,639
ProudCheech    Destiny
Rugnir 6256 ProudCheech Destiny 2,129,205 4,497
ProudCheech    Farmers and more
Brisgard 10500 ProudCheech Farmers and more 1,901,262 4,287
Fel Dranghyr 9146 ProudCheech 1,846,613 2,995
ProudCheech    Silent Ones
Greifental 9207 ProudCheech Silent Ones 1,739,086 3,119