10447 rank

878,906 points

1,270 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leon Peacemaker 300    Lonely Town
Mount Killmore 633 Leon Peacemaker 300 Lonely Town 468,974,776 110,844
Leon Peacemaker 300    Lonely town
Houndsmoor 7328 Leon Peacemaker 300 Lonely town 7,639,523 6,765
Leon Peacemaker 300    Diamond miners inc.
Jaims 7006 Leon Peacemaker 300 Diamond miners inc. 5,538,124 4,048
Leon Peacemaker 300    League of Champions
Arvahall 10384 Leon Peacemaker 300 League of Champions 3,047,913 2,371
Leon Peacemaker 300    Diamond miners
Brisgard 10422 Leon Peacemaker 300 Diamond miners 1,874,539 2,255
Leon Peacemaker 300   
Fel Dranghyr 9362 Leon Peacemaker 300 1,614,889 2,272
Leon Peacemaker 300    Tiny towns
Korch 9829 Leon Peacemaker 300 Tiny towns 1,126,655 2,002
Leon Peacemaker 300    Red Rogue Killers
Cirgard 11095 Leon Peacemaker 300 Red Rogue Killers 1,028,764 1,465
Leon Peacemaker 300    Tiny town
Langendorn 9554 Leon Peacemaker 300 Tiny town 961,924 1,318
Leon Peacemaker 300    13th Legion of War
Greifental 10447 Leon Peacemaker 300 13th Legion of War 878,906 1,270
Leon Peacemaker 300    Blackthorn
Sinerania 9002 Leon Peacemaker 300 Blackthorn 298,552 244
Leon Peacemaker 300   
Parkog 10007 Leon Peacemaker 300 182,639 430