1652 rank

191,339,617 points

10,064 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jchm    Knights&Princesses
Cirgard 1546 jchm Knights&Princesses 212,164,629 8,224
jchm    Trusted Traders
Houndsmoor 1723 jchm Trusted Traders 206,277,723 9,562
jchm    Pirates of Time
Greifental 1652 jchm Pirates of Time 191,339,617 10,064
jchm    Freyja's Swarm
East-Nagach 1713 jchm Freyja's Swarm 191,319,595 8,262
jchm    Chill😺Pirates
Brisgard 1773 jchm Chill😺Pirates 190,428,137 9,708
jchm    Band of Brothers
Fel Dranghyr 1731 jchm Band of Brothers 181,832,176 7,908
jchm    XxStormwindMinervaXx
Arvahall 1950 jchm XxStormwindMinervaXx 179,825,282 8,296
jchm    The Academy
Dinegu 1778 jchm The Academy 176,858,231 7,255