2588 rank

100,522,364 points

133,705 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tiberius the Great 674   
Houndsmoor 2588 Tiberius the Great 674 100,522,364 133,705
Tiberius the Great 674   
Parkog 4596 Tiberius the Great 674 5,022,774 9,052
Tiberius the Great 674    Hibernation Station
Brisgard 8993 Tiberius the Great 674 Hibernation Station 3,969,722 5,764
Tiberius the Great 674   
Tuulech 2871 Tiberius the Great 674 3,893,225 5,109
Tiberius the Great 674   
Noarsil 8178 Tiberius the Great 674 2,365,913 5,483