19539 rank

29,696 points

31 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
19761976    ALL IN
Noarsil 3791 19761976 ALL IN 33,234,263 8,358
19761976    Heart of Avalon
Arvahall 14021 19761976 Heart of Avalon 712,347 279
19761976    TRUE SPARTANS
East-Nagach 12568 19761976 TRUE SPARTANS 410,047 459
19761976    Thor's Minions
Brisgard 15892 19761976 Thor's Minions 202,300 117
19761976    NewWorld
Rugnir 10949 19761976 NewWorld 153,826 76
19761976    DARK TUATHA
Cirgard 15828 19761976 DARK TUATHA 144,729 52
19761976    Geology Rocks
Greifental 14473 19761976 Geology Rocks 132,941 51
19761976    Aussie Battlers
Mount Killmore 15673 19761976 Aussie Battlers 128,151 33
19761976    The Freedom Fighters
Korch 14484 19761976 The Freedom Fighters 127,618 38
19761976    ORO
Dinegu 15366 19761976 ORO 122,587 73
19761976    Royale Plasma
Odhrorvar 14122 19761976 Royale Plasma 105,237 47
19761976    The lone wolves
Jaims 15160 19761976 The lone wolves 100,498 42
19761976    The Seagulls
Sinerania 11215 19761976 The Seagulls 95,680 56
19761976    Guildy McGuildface
Parkog 11500 19761976 Guildy McGuildface 83,419 58
19761976    The Round Table
Fel Dranghyr 16025 19761976 The Round Table 78,024 51
19761976    The Darklight
Langendorn 15234 19761976 The Darklight 66,151 25
19761976    RULEMAN
Uceria 7682 19761976 RULEMAN 39,936 37
19761976    True Love 20/20
Tuulech 9801 19761976 True Love 20/20 31,512 11
Houndsmoor 19539 19761976 29,696 31