11930 rank

699,054 points

347 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ziva the Majestic    Guild of truckers
Noarsil 5828 Ziva the Majestic Guild of truckers 9,812,080 179
Ziva the Majestic    Explorer
Dinegu 10769 Ziva the Majestic Explorer 976,448 206
Ziva the Majestic    Old School Life
Parkog 7121 Ziva the Majestic Old School Life 861,780 300
Ziva the Majestic    Pepe´s
Cirgard 11652 Ziva the Majestic Pepe´s 819,098 389
Ziva the Majestic    Knight of Malta
Brisgard 12570 Ziva the Majestic Knight of Malta 738,604 355
Ziva the Majestic    the lone wolves
Houndsmoor 11930 Ziva the Majestic the lone wolves 699,054 347
Ziva the Majestic    LORE
Jaims 10911 Ziva the Majestic LORE 695,723 347
Ziva the Majestic    Carone
Korch 10886 Ziva the Majestic Carone 687,159 227
Ziva the Majestic    Fraggle Rock
Greifental 11105 Ziva the Majestic Fraggle Rock 645,258 334