521 rank

706,574,502 points

155,206 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Apollo the Proud    Time O U T
Houndsmoor 521 Apollo the Proud Time O U T 706,574,502 155,206
Apollo the Proud    Bre ak
Jaims 1830 Apollo the Proud Bre ak 130,286,761 46,773
Apollo the Proud    Thor's Hammer
Langendorn 2634 Apollo the Proud Thor's Hammer 62,718,728 23,419
Apollo the Proud   
East-Nagach 3112 Apollo the Proud 58,962,196 115,075
Apollo the Proud    Bre Ake
Arvahall 3921 Apollo the Proud Bre Ake 49,915,296 21,173
Apollo the Proud   
Korch 17194 Apollo the Proud 39,635 54