16713 rank

52,335 points

99 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Clover the Great    Peaceful
Fel Dranghyr 15990 Clover the Great Peaceful 78,910 73
Clover the Great    Peaceful
Arvahall 20090 Clover the Great Peaceful 76,234 91
Clover the Great    Peace
Brisgard 18771 Clover the Great Peace 66,337 109
Clover the Great    Panda
Houndsmoor 17695 Clover the Great Panda 60,314 79
Clover the Great    Peace321
Noarsil 15840 Clover the Great Peace321 57,110 75
Clover the Great    Happy123
Odhrorvar 15484 Clover the Great Happy123 55,846 80
Clover the Great    Mid life crisis
Cirgard 18291 Clover the Great Mid life crisis 52,409 76
Clover the Great    Peaceful
Jaims 16713 Clover the Great Peaceful 52,335 99
Clover the Great    Peaceful giants
Rugnir 13182 Clover the Great Peaceful giants 50,779 71
Clover the Great    North
Korch 16778 Clover the Great North 46,413 69
Clover the Great    Clovers Defenders
Greifental 16993 Clover the Great Clovers Defenders 43,095 104
Clover the Great    Reset button
Dinegu 18240 Clover the Great Reset button 37,636 89
Clover the Great    Panda 123
Mount Killmore 18963 Clover the Great Panda 123 36,421 98
Clover the Great    Age of Aquarius
Langendorn 17998 Clover the Great Age of Aquarius 19,958 21