4695 rank

176,860 points

233 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ATorres2    Libre Albedrio
Dunarsund 7903 ATorres2 Libre Albedrio 184,019 251
ATorres2    cat and flowers
Korch 6059 ATorres2 cat and flowers 181,493 266
ATorres2    Pajara
East-Nagach 7776 ATorres2 Pajara 181,292 253
Arvahall 9051 ATorres2 LIBRE COMERCIO 179,710 312
ATorres2    UNMONTON
Langendorn 4695 ATorres2 UNMONTON 176,860 233
ATorres2    TRONES
Houndsmoor 7566 ATorres2 TRONES 176,777 265
ATorres2    Tierra de Budas
Cirgard 8516 ATorres2 Tierra de Budas 116,837 241
ATorres2    Gambiteros
Fel Dranghyr 8303 ATorres2 Gambiteros 104,749 200
ATorres2    El Viajante
Jaims 8396 ATorres2 El Viajante 93,075 172