4983 rank

12,608,000 points

10,191 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mount Killmore 988 Laroth LA TAVERNE DES AMIS 355,956,936 352,226
Laroth    🔰 Garde Loyale 🔰
Arvahall 2526 Laroth 🔰 Garde Loyale 🔰 118,006,559 64,073
Laroth    💫 Le Clan Saratoga
Tuulech 2855 Laroth 💫 Le Clan Saratoga 54,183,628 34,567
Laroth    Les îles
Cirgard 3594 Laroth Les îles 48,541,853 38,774
Laroth    The Bucks
Brisgard 4735 Laroth The Bucks 26,049,782 17,734
Laroth    Avalon
Sinerania 3805 Laroth Avalon 25,195,364 17,500
Laroth    la guilde occitanie
Uceria 4030 Laroth la guilde occitanie 16,839,934 11,208
Laroth    Zéro Contrainte 2
Dinegu 5463 Laroth Zéro Contrainte 2 14,157,738 12,408
Laroth    Esprit Tranquille
Walstrand 1697 Laroth Esprit Tranquille 12,781,398 8,592
Laroth    Le bon coin
Rugnir 4983 Laroth Le bon coin 12,608,000 10,191
Laroth    Stargate
Xyr 1554 Laroth Stargate 12,401,369 8,697
Laroth    Comptoirs Marchands
Qunrir 5054 Laroth Comptoirs Marchands 11,832,336 8,923
Laroth    La Marque de Kushiel
Vingrid 3462 Laroth La Marque de Kushiel 11,074,135 8,518