13 rank

4,622,260,177 points

1,178,722 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dragoar    Village Gaulois
Cirgard 13 Dragoar Village Gaulois 4,622,260,177 1,178,722
Dragoar    🥳La Nef des Fous🥳
Xyr 50 Dragoar 🥳La Nef des Fous🥳 873,320,471 227,750
Dragoar    🫧Singularis🫧
Houndsmoor 809 Dragoar 🫧Singularis🫧 516,757,746 120,016
Dragoar    Warriors of Braavos
East-nagach 1938 Dragoar Warriors of Braavos 185,314,592 52,576
Dragoar    🍺The League 🍾
Fel Dranghyr 1967 Dragoar 🍺The League 🍾 162,929,364 50,801
Dragoar    Les Valeureux
Uceria 1897 Dragoar Les Valeureux 92,535,082 23,435
Dragoar    La Dague Noire
Qunrir 5079 Dragoar La Dague Noire 12,250,676 5,430