9608 rank

1,087,689 points

1,363 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
athena9    Sans objectif
Uceria 7229 athena9 Sans objectif 1,838,173 541
athena9    ELDORADO
Dinegu 9608 athena9 ELDORADO 1,087,689 1,363
athena9    Jojoland M
Mount Killmore 10489 athena9 Jojoland M 673,789 581
athena9    La revanche des sith
Odhrorvar 9697 athena9 La revanche des sith 670,204 540
Tuulech 9954 athena9 528,444 1,304
East-nagach 11725 athena9 423,536 306
athena9    ⚔ Le Nouvel Ordre ⚔
Vingrid 8403 athena9 ⚔ Le Nouvel Ordre ⚔ 365,771 365
athena9    L'ordre de sultane
Brisgard 14139 athena9 L'ordre de sultane 264,767 422
athena9    French Wars 59
Walstrand 5652 athena9 French Wars 59 229,935 257
athena9    Sons of Odin
Korch 13378 athena9 Sons of Odin 128,448 90