8302 rank

8,762,198 points

1,969 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vilotta Bluegourd    Magyar Vezérek
Arvahall 8302 Vilotta Bluegourd Magyar Vezérek 8,762,198 1,969
Vilotta Bluegourd    Crescent City
Brisgard 8297 Vilotta Bluegourd Crescent City 7,458,450 1,920
Vilotta Bluegourd    City of Starlight
Cirgard 8686 Vilotta Bluegourd City of Starlight 5,563,553 1,403
Vilotta Bluegourd    Court of Roses
Dinegu 7980 Vilotta Bluegourd Court of Roses 4,177,692 1,298
Vilotta Bluegourd    A'al Caelora
East-Nagach 6229 Vilotta Bluegourd A'al Caelora 3,338,694 1,142
Vilotta Bluegourd    Court of Shadows
Fel Dranghyr 3712 Vilotta Bluegourd Court of Shadows 881,432 747