5927 rank

15,641,051 points

2,634 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the ripper    Guerrieri Romani
Fel Dranghyr 1950 the ripper Guerrieri Romani 114,136,238 24,336
the ripper    ±₪• ßΛẞƪⱢṒЙḬɄ •₪±
Arvahall 5927 the ripper ±₪• ßΛẞƪⱢṒЙḬɄ •₪± 15,641,051 2,634
the ripper    Liberty
Brisgard 5605 the ripper Liberty 13,830,195 2,209
the ripper    קѕуcнσ ĶιℓℓєƦ
East-nagach 5720 the ripper קѕуcнσ ĶιℓℓєƦ 12,324,474 2,068
the ripper    Black Red Devils
Dinegu 5779 the ripper Black Red Devils 11,732,499 1,716
the ripper   
Cirgard 9076 the ripper 1,334,940 753