1965 rank

169,386,098 points

72,302 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Henry the Fox    De Tempeliers
Arvahall 1965 Henry the Fox De Tempeliers 169,386,098 72,302
Henry the Fox    Samen Sterker
Fel Dranghyr 1084 Henry the Fox Samen Sterker 74,568,456 13,740
Henry the Fox    TarGERyen 2
Brisgard 3035 Henry the Fox TarGERyen 2 68,008,863 26,246
Henry the Fox    Masters of Starlight
Dinegu 3289 Henry the Fox Masters of Starlight 50,232,024 10,944
Henry the Fox    Afterlife 2
Cirgard 3609 Henry the Fox Afterlife 2 46,774,858 14,151
Henry the Fox    de calimero's
East-Nagach 2509 Henry the Fox de calimero's 45,710,041 15,722