6765 rank

6,146,382 points

3,928 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones D
Dinegu 2769 Mackenhof Game of Thrones D 74,399,315 20,179
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Fel Dranghyr 1157 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 66,749,593 21,558
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Cirgard 5718 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 11,852,595 5,735
Mackenhof    De Nationalisten
Arvahall 6462 Mackenhof De Nationalisten 9,206,388 4,396
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
East-Nagach 4881 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 7,029,574 3,675
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Brisgard 6765 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 6,146,382 3,928
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Greifental 2610 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 1,093,087 1,412