1242 rank

161,459,754 points

25,087 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nestor the Old    Huis Der Wijzen
Dinegu 1403 Nestor the Old Huis Der Wijzen 245,647,298 34,581
Nestor the Old    Force of Friends
Brisgard 1515 Nestor the Old Force of Friends 217,232,674 30,999
Nestor the Old    🔷️ PLEZIER 🔷️
Arvahall 1674 Nestor the Old 🔷️ PLEZIER 🔷️ 212,444,359 31,871
Nestor the Old    Vlaamse Leeuw
Cirgard 1632 Nestor the Old Vlaamse Leeuw 206,567,143 29,285
Nestor the Old    de Bengels
East-Nagach 1242 Nestor the Old de Bengels 161,459,754 25,087