4935 rank

1,096,803 points

715 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Baron Erich    Dutch Team
East-Nagach 3765 Baron Erich Dutch Team 16,306,785 4,005
Baron Erich    The Bourne Identity
Fel Dranghyr 4935 Baron Erich The Bourne Identity 1,096,803 715
Baron Erich    Carpe Diem Momentum
Brisgard 9779 Baron Erich Carpe Diem Momentum 847,510 556
Baron Erich    🏰Wingstree🏰
Arvahall 10297 Baron Erich 🏰Wingstree🏰 788,068 366
Baron Erich    De Nederlanders
Dinegu 9883 Baron Erich De Nederlanders 586,915 333
Baron Erich    Unice
Cirgard 10790 Baron Erich Unice 439,594 306