18530 rank

225,254 points

596 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
guttbuster the slow    Outsiders
Sinerania 9653 guttbuster the slow Outsiders 1,109,032 992
guttbuster the slow    we are one
Rugnir 11809 guttbuster the slow we are one 431,282 993
guttbuster the slow    GADC
Brisgard 15269 guttbuster the slow GADC 372,434 450
guttbuster the slow   
Cirgard 14128 guttbuster the slow 353,061 429
guttbuster the slow    Place to Grow
Qunrir 12615 guttbuster the slow Place to Grow 294,422 504
guttbuster the slow    Amaurys Elite
Arvahall 18530 guttbuster the slow Amaurys Elite 225,254 596