9940 rank

4,696,380 points

6,989 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Princess Zooey    🌟A Higher Kingdom✨
Zorskog 33 Princess Zooey 🌟A Higher Kingdom✨ 2,544,611,624 419,367
Princess Zooey    CoreFare C
Birka 1027 Princess Zooey CoreFare C 112,143,298 60,495
Princess Zooey    The Black Tower
Greifental 3033 Princess Zooey The Black Tower 63,906,113 18,011
Princess Zooey    Forgotten Ghost
Jaims 3862 Princess Zooey Forgotten Ghost 34,550,220 18,885
Princess Zooey    Diamond Farms
Xyr 3927 Princess Zooey Diamond Farms 30,039,015 12,995
Princess Zooey    Solomon Grundy
Carthage 2119 Princess Zooey Solomon Grundy 14,504,485 26,226
Princess Zooey    Flareups
Arvahall 9940 Princess Zooey Flareups 4,696,380 6,989