21802 rank

76,674 points

245 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rataxes the Hairy    Borderlands
Jaims 15050 Rataxes the Hairy Borderlands 139,738 333
Rataxes the Hairy    Thundering Horses
Dunarsund 17611 Rataxes the Hairy Thundering Horses 97,535 343
Rataxes the Hairy    Slayer
Houndsmoor 17723 Rataxes the Hairy Slayer 82,066 251
Rataxes the Hairy    The potheads
Arvahall 21802 Rataxes the Hairy The potheads 76,674 245
Rataxes the Hairy    anarchy*
Brisgard 20397 Rataxes the Hairy anarchy* 56,899 231
Rataxes the Hairy    Ajax Antares
Parkog 16101 Rataxes the Hairy Ajax Antares 56,261 310
Rataxes the Hairy    Ajax Antares
Cirgard 20655 Rataxes the Hairy Ajax Antares 28,190 207