13491 rank

1,110,886 points

1,046 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shilo    Faithful Warrior
Arvahall 13491 shilo Faithful Warrior 1,110,886 1,046
shilo    Tired of Guilds
Brisgard 13487 shilo Tired of Guilds 705,000 790
shilo    Knight's Templar
Cirgard 12861 shilo Knight's Templar 565,947 715
shilo    Knight Templar
Fel Dranghyr 13518 shilo Knight Templar 332,510 508
shilo    The Lost
Dunarsund 14743 shilo The Lost 319,471 510
shilo    Newb Guild...
East-Nagach 14372 shilo Newb Guild... 280,835 344
shilo    Ezekiel 25:17
Greifental 13627 shilo Ezekiel 25:17 272,676 285
Houndsmoor 16000 shilo 173,068 262