6169 rank

19,605,402 points

55,087 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Honoria the Gracious    FotS
Mount Killmore 1464 Honoria the Gracious FotS 182,793,724 352,189
Honoria the Gracious    A step in time
Parkog 4098 Honoria the Gracious A step in time 24,724,506 80,595
Honoria the Gracious    Chosen ®
Arvahall 6169 Honoria the Gracious Chosen ® 19,605,402 55,087
Honoria the Gracious    Fel Parksalot
Fel Dranghyr 7400 Honoria the Gracious Fel Parksalot 5,870,845 12,714