16394 rank

435,502 points

329 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TheJohnnyReb    indica scott's
Birka 8348 TheJohnnyReb indica scott's 476,404 298
TheJohnnyReb    The Unpolished
Houndsmoor 13327 TheJohnnyReb The Unpolished 461,413 314
Qunrir 11691 TheJohnnyReb 440,915 304
TheJohnnyReb    Smoke and mirrors
Arvahall 16394 TheJohnnyReb Smoke and mirrors 435,502 329
Noarsil 11886 TheJohnnyReb 403,155 327
TheJohnnyReb    " El Salvador "
Langendorn 12145 TheJohnnyReb " El Salvador " 393,666 228