5673 rank

12,313,263 points

2,772 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Chuck11    Once A Week
Korch 5673 Chuck11 Once A Week 12,313,263 2,772
Chuck11    Vikings67
Arvahall 7657 Chuck11 Vikings67 11,053,835 2,479
Chuck11    Risk Takers
Angkor 4953 Chuck11 Risk Takers 10,299,814 2,598
Chuck11    Welcome to All
Langendorn 6069 Chuck11 Welcome to All 9,388,620 2,337
Chuck11    the kush
Jaims 6266 Chuck11 the kush 9,107,802 2,564
Chuck11    Tycoon 50's
Odhrorvar 7708 Chuck11 Tycoon 50's 3,315,135 1,083
Chuck11    Lords Of The Realm
Rugnir 8203 Chuck11 Lords Of The Realm 2,532,178 898
Chuck11    The Stragglers
Cirgard 9590 Chuck11 The Stragglers 2,282,171 1,103
Chuck11    NoneOfTheAbove
Yorkton 8326 Chuck11 NoneOfTheAbove 2,193,450 1,107
Chuck11    Kingdom Survivors
Dilmun 3121 Chuck11 Kingdom Survivors 1,810,047 865
Chuck11    New Forgers
Dunarsund 10975 Chuck11 New Forgers 1,366,754 741
Chuck11    The Fellowship Realm
Uceria 12883 Chuck11 The Fellowship Realm 272,044 267
Chuck11    Lost One
Noarsil 15465 Chuck11 Lost One 80,685 99