18782 rank

74,268 points

483 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pierre 860 the Prophet   
Korch 5880 Pierre 860 the Prophet 11,693,875 4,901
Pierre 860 the Prophet    Phoenix 7
Langendorn 11328 Pierre 860 the Prophet Phoenix 7 560,326 931
Pierre 860 the Prophet    MY HAPPY PLACE
Noarsil 11342 Pierre 860 the Prophet MY HAPPY PLACE 500,967 712
Pierre 860 the Prophet   
Walstrand 11493 Pierre 860 the Prophet 364,539 521
Pierre 860 the Prophet   
Zorskog 15030 Pierre 860 the Prophet 79,086 522
Pierre 860 the Prophet   
Mount Killmore 18782 Pierre 860 the Prophet 74,268 483