1089 rank

222,814,275 points

25,678 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xorev    Ancora
Houndsmoor 58 Xorev Ancora 2,084,837,345 464,750
Xorev    🦁The PRIDE🦁
Fel Dranghyr 850 Xorev 🦁The PRIDE🦁 341,683,997 43,000
Xorev    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 873 Xorev The Iron Alliance 295,916,177 35,825
Xorev    House Mondegreen
Greifental 992 Xorev House Mondegreen 276,093,311 35,678
Xorev    SyRaiders
Qunrir 962 Xorev SyRaiders 269,229,634 80,840
Xorev    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 1113 Xorev 🛰 firefly 233,597,124 25,483
Xorev    House of the Dragon
Brisgard 1188 Xorev House of the Dragon 222,955,920 51,442
Xorev    Camelot
Odhrorvar 1089 Xorev Camelot 222,814,275 25,678
Xorev    The Fifth Column
Parkog 1028 Xorev The Fifth Column 221,022,301 25,596
Xorev    Southern Seas
Xyr 1414 Xorev Southern Seas 131,635,105 35,090
Xorev    Defiance
Uceria 2017 Xorev Defiance 93,066,365 29,623
Xorev    REDE〽️PTION⚔️
Birka 1006 Xorev REDE〽️PTION⚔️ 88,399,592 67,549
Xorev    Tartaros
Carthage 1445 Xorev Tartaros 20,854,385 37,883