5809 rank

9,628,765 points

4,274 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SoggyBottomBoy    The SoggyBottomBoys
Sinerania 5541 SoggyBottomBoy The SoggyBottomBoys 10,813,111 4,737
SoggyBottomBoy    The SoggyBottomBoys
Qunrir 5833 SoggyBottomBoy The SoggyBottomBoys 10,373,597 4,296
SoggyBottomBoy    The SoggyBottomBoys
Arvahall 7867 SoggyBottomBoy The SoggyBottomBoys 10,269,704 4,617
SoggyBottomBoy    The SoggyBottomBoys
Parkog 5809 SoggyBottomBoy The SoggyBottomBoys 9,628,765 4,274
SoggyBottomBoy    SoggyBottomBoys
Angkor 7835 SoggyBottomBoy SoggyBottomBoys 2,067,972 1,254